1 CZloves: Baby CZ's 1st Fashion Haul

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Baby CZ's 1st Fashion Haul

Hello, Everyone! Hope you had a good weekend. So yesterday, I washed all these brand new & pristine baby clothes. But I decided to click pics before I popped them in the washer.
I got all of these from Mothercare last month when they had a sale going on, so most of them were 30-50% off. We don't know the sex of Baby CZ yet, so we had to pick only gender neutral colors and prints. It wasn't easy, coz there weren't many choices. Girl Babies are spoiled for choice, I must say! =)
These are a set of 8 pieces.

Set of 3 bodysuits. 
White mittens came in a separate pack.

This blanket is also available in Pink & Blue. I almost bought the pink one for myself years ago when we were buying stuff for my S-I-L's newborn. Just because I liked it so much ;p

I emptied a section of my closet for baby clothes. So nice I am ;p =D

I couldn't help it! =D

Hope you liked the haul. I've still got a lot to learn. 

It'll be more easier & fun once I know exactly what to look for and what to stay away from.

Have a good week all!

Thank You for reading, talk again soon.


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  1. Cynthia the dresses look so cute.. can't wait to see baby CZ wearing them...

  2. Nice..... I would have got pink and blue clothes as well. There's nothing wrong in girls wearing blue and boys wearing pink :)

    1. I would have bought, but the pink ones were TOO girly :D


  3. Cynthia stuff toys are looking very cute in these dresses. Can't wait to see baby CZ now ! .I agree with Lana's comment. I myself prefer blue to pink .. my cousin is also expecting her first baby so two more tips for you , which I just overheard .1) more girls are born during navratras/ puja days...2).if you will do mopping during your final days of pregnancy. The baby will shift downwards...hence easy delivery :D :D pls check safety of this stunt before performing :P

    1. Hehe....thanks for the tip Sonia. If Baby CZ refuses to come out around due date, then I might have to try it :p


  4. Hey Cynthia, Baby full suits are the best things, I also shop for my kiddo from mothercare . Good stuff and this blanket is signature of mothercare, I also had one.
    Cant wait to see baby CZ and yes as lana and sonia said get some blues and pinks too.

    1. Ya, I love Mothercare coz of the variety. Will get more next time :)


  5. Hey CZ

    Dresses are super Cute:)
    Mothercare stuff is really good , I also bought some , truly awesome stuff,
    Get some soft toys that are having strips of white and black,or high contrast patterns as Baby are not able to differentiate colors untill 2 Months
    See website, Babycenter , read all the important info for you and baby .. http://www.babycenter.com/
    get prepared for sleepless nights ;)

    1. Ya I have Babycenter app...been a big help! :) Will get the toys soon too!


  6. Mothercare good for new babies... try Chicco clothing's and equipment range they are awesome... :)

  7. Hi I wanted to know if you shopped from mother care UK website?
